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Document number: 1832
Date: 04 Jun 1829
Postmark: 4 Jun 1829
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: MUNDY Harriot Georgiana, née Frampton
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: LA29-65
Last updated: 30th September 2010

My dear Henry

I am much obliged to you for writing as I was in a fright in case you shd have missed my letter <1> which after its departure I heard wd arrive in the midst of your preparations. I envy Car. & Hor. <2> dancing with the D. de Chartres <3> that I shd have been contented if I cd only have seen him which I have long wished to do – It has happened unluckily that all the people of that sort worth seeing have always come to England the years we have not been in London –. I assure you I shall most Joyfully & gratefully accept your offer of the Duc de Bar<4> & still much prefer it being in French – but tho’ I am to benefit by it I cannot half wondering at your generosity in parting with it – . As you say you shall be in Town again by this time I want to Know whether you could order my books to be in Bury Street on Friday Evening or Saty Morning as Henry <5> is coming down on Saty (I believe or Sunday) which will be the last opportunity for some time, & wd bring them with him –. Could not you come down too & pay us a visit? Henry has several friends coming with him & they stay about 10 days & then return to town & we should be so very pleased if you would accompany them – You have not been here in the Summer for Ages & I believe it is nearly 5 years since you have been here at all – You uncousinly creature! but a visit from you now wd cover a multitude of sins of omission –. Aunt lily <6> will think us very Goth-like for tempting you from London in the height of the season, but I am sure such a trip would refresh you very much & I wish you could bring either C. or H. in your pocket. Pray consider of this & send us a favourable answer, for no other will be admitted. Indeed if you send us a refusal we shall return the Letter unopened & unread –.

Your [Irish?] Cousin
Harriot Frampton

I hope you got a note from me begging Wednesday you also to get at Thorpes “Les Souverains du Monde.” <7> 4 vols with plates of Arms price 7/6. as I am very eager for it–

Henry Fox Talbot Esqre
31 Sackville St


1. See Doc. No: 01828.

2. Caroline Augusta Edgcumbe, née Feilding, Lady Mt Edgcumbe (1808–1881); WHFT’s half-sister, and Henrietta Horatia Maria Gaisford, née Feilding (1810–1851), WHFT’s half-sister.

3. Ferdinand Philippe, Prince of France, Duke of Chartres (1810–1842).

4. See Doc. No: 01827.

5. Henry Frampton (1804-1879).

6. Lady Elisabeth Theresa Feilding, née Fox Strangways, first m Talbot (1773–1846), WHFT’s mother.

7. Thomas Thorpe (1791-1851), bookseller, London. Ferdinand Ludwig von Bressler und Aschenburg, Les souverains du monde ouvrage qui fait connoistre la Genealogie de leurs Maisons, l’Etenduë & le Gouvernement de leurs Etats, leur Religion, leurs Revenus, leurs Forces, leurs Titres, leurs Prétentions, leurs Armoiries, l’Origine historique des Pieces ou des Quartiers qui les composent & le lieu de leur Residence, avec un catalogue des auteurs qui en ont le mieux ecrit, le tout conduit jusqu’au tems present (Aux dépens de la Compagnie La Haye: 1721–1722), which included 47 plates.

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