Lansdowne House
Mansion Parade
My Dear Henry
I was very sorry not to be able to answer your letter <1> by return of Post as you requested but it arrived whilst we were deep in debate about removing to Hastings which depended partly on whether we cd get a house there, & partly on Louisa’s <2> health – and the important question was only decided this morning. Now we remain here till the end of January and therefore pray lose no time in coming to see us as we shall be cruelly vexed to be disappointed of seeing you & Louisa bids me say with her love that she wants excessively to hear all your adventures. –– We know scarcely anybody here & do not go out at all, therefore your Company cd never be better bestowed & you well know how much we always value it & how very much pleasure it gives us to see you ––.
My dear Henry Yr affate Cousin
Harriet Frampton
Henry Fox Talbot Esqre
The Revd T. Bonney’s
1. Letter not located.
2. Probably Louisa Charlotte Frampton.