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Result number 59 of 80:   < Back     Back to results list   Next >  

Document number: 305
Date: 06 May 1863
Dating: see Doc no 08699; & birth of 2nd grandchild
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: MUNDY Harriot Georgiana, née Frampton
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 2nd May 2012

43 Upper Grosvenor St <1>
May 6

My dear Henry

I am glad you are thinking of a trip to Germany – and I should of all things like to go with you! My chief regret would be returning at the end of a month, but then I have not seen so much of “those parts” as you have. – Scheichelbaur <2> who has been at Rome &c all the winter is expected back, subito subito, <3> with Mr and Mrs De Rodes <4> –. I do not know how soon you wish to start but if you like I will let you know as soon as S. arrives as probably he would be only too happy to take a short engagement at this early season. – I know of no other Courier. The Ilchesters <5> are still at Melbury <6> but I daresay may come up later for a bit as he is very well now. Jane <7> is better – & Lucy <8> too – but neither of them capable of leaving home at present unfortunately. They are very happy in the expectation of seeing Rice<9> from India this week after 5 years absence. He is in the Rifle Corps. I hope soon to hear of the safe arrival of your second grand Child. Give my love to Matilda <10>

Yr aff
H G Mundy

If you want an amusing Book pray read Mrs Atkinson’s Journeys in the Siberian Steppes. <11> I daresay you knew her late Husbands Scientific Account <12> of the same Expedition as I conclude he was a Savant, but I only am acquainted with his wife’s travels. –

Noel <13> sends you his “duty” like a proper Nephew! –


1. London.

2. Mr. Scheichelbaur, a courier and travelling servant to various branches of the Talbot family in 1844 until at least 1863.

3. Any minute now.

4. Probably William Hatfield De Rodes, JP, of Barlborough Hall, Derbyshire, and his wife Sophy Félicité.

5. William Thomas Horner Fox Strangways, 4th Earl of Ilchester (1795-1865), botanist, art collector & diplomat; WHFT's favourite uncle, and his wife, Lady Sophia Penelope, née Sheffield (1822-1882).

6. Melbury, Dorset: one of the Fox Strangways family homes; WHFT was born there.

7. Jane Harriot Nicholl, née Talbot (1796–1874).

8. Lucy Mary Nicholl (1824-1876), of Merthyr Mawr.

9. Maj Gen Christopher Rice Harvard Nicholl (1836-1928), son of Jane Harriot Nicholl, née Talbot (1796-1874), WHFT's cousin.

10. Matilda Caroline Gilchrist-Clark, ‘Tilly’, née Talbot (1839–1927), WHFT’s 3rd daughter.

11. Lucy Atkinson, Recollections of Tartar steppes and their inhabitants (New York: John Murray, 1863).

12. Probably Thomas Witlam Atkinson, Oriental and western Siberia: a narrative of seven years’ exploration and adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and a part of central Asia (New York: Harper & Bros., 1858).

13. Francis Noel Mundy (1833–1903), WHFT’s nephew.

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