Mr Netherclift presents best respects to Mr Talbot, & encloses a proof of his Transfer – which to him (Mr N.) is perfectly satisfactory & good for printing. – If Mr Talbot follows the same course with any other plates there will not be the least difficulty in his accomplishing the artistical portion of his work in proper manner. – Mr N. will at any time forward him more paper & all the requisites for Mr Talbot’s work. Mr N. supposes that the mode of alteration or rubbing out is known to Mr T. – it is simply to have a vial of rectified spirits of turpentine corked with a good cork by his side and any mistake either blot, blur or <word?>, or line, make may be directly erased with the tip of the cork holding a little spirit (preventing its running to other correct parts) – the greasy ink will immediately disappear – the whole of the space where the turps has wetted must be cleansed with a soft rag – & if all the black does not disappear at the first operation repeat it with clean turpentine – wipe dry with the rag & when dry, work on as tho’ nothing had occurred – the p lithographic surface of the paper is not at all affected by turpentine – while water would immediately destroy it. –
Mr N. will pay as much attention to Mr T’s work at the distance from which he writes as he could by his presence here. –
100 St Martin’s Lane
Jany 9. 1854
In his next note, will Mr Talbot be so good as say <sic> – What will be the size of his Octavo – Post, Demy, or Royal, for if he sends 4 plates at a time they will be placed at such distance, on One stone as will materially cheapen the printing.