March 2d 1815
My dear Henry,
Thank you for your present it did me more good than all the cordials I could have taken (for I am not well) I wish I had any return to make. I should not have written but I [illegible deletion] thought you might think me indifferent. We went to several Nursery Gardens yesterday (not to Lee & [Keneddys?] in Frasers Garden I saw two Ferns in Pots one a Polypodium & the other an Aspidium I cannot describe the Music it was to my ears when the Man told me what they were He said they came from America, but to the best of my knowledge the one was P. vulgare & the other A. lobatum like this something the lobe bigger than I have drawn you know what I mean neither in Genetification When you come I hope to find something There is a gutter in Hyde Park which has Moss in it which (excepting I. muralis & Bryum argenteum) the only one I have seen
yours most affy
(hoping you will excuse stupidity)
Jane H T
London March two 1815 Auckland <1>
H.F. Talbot Esqr
Revd. Dr Butlers
[on verso:]
1. George Eden, 1st Earl of Auckland (17841849), Governor General of India.
2. Monogram.
3. Written in another hand.