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Document number: 7596
Date: 14 Apr 1858
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: NICHOLSON Richard
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number: envelope 21225
Collection number historic: LA58-43
Last updated: 12th December 2010

4, Old Palace Yard, S.W.
April 14 1858

Dear Sir,

I hope you will not think me troublesome; but, as Since I had the pleasure of your last letter I have got positive evidence to Kill off Gilbert, Son of Charles, [illegible] and, therefore, s.p. I have thought that you might be glad to Know the fact Our Case is adjourned till Tuesday next; when if you should happen to be in Town, or should feel sufficient interest in the Case to come up to hear it I shall have much pleasure in making arrangements for your convenient accommodation during the hearing.

I find on a careful perusal of one of Sir Johns Cancelled wills that he made a settlement between 1681 & 1688 which I did not find when at Lacock. I suppose there is not any chance of its being any where than in your muniment room there – After the Kind manner in which you received me for my examination of your deeds I hesitate to trouble with even this enquiry but I am nevertheless bound to leave no stone unturned to arrive at evidence of which I may discover any trace

I beg to remain, Dear Sir, Yr very obedt Servant
Richard: Nicholson

H Fox Talbot Esqre

H. Fox Talbot Esqre
Lacock Abbey
nr. Chippenham

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