London, 34 Hart Street Bloomsbury
23 July 1862.
Dear Sir,
I received your Kind letter in London where it was sent to me. I have not yet seen your paper that went from Paris, to Lisieux, at M. Menants where I was living, and he kept it until my return to France, and I shall read it with great interest.
I also translated the Phillipps cylinder in the first part of the Expédition de Mésopotamie (chez Gide, 5 rue Bonaparte) where you find also a cop the exposition of the system. The part in which this translation is to be found, must come out immediately because since long I gave the bon à tirir. I would send you a copy of this great work, if I had some, but as this magnificently printed work is, in some manner, entirely published by the government, you I cannot send it off, as I would. You may see it also exposed in the Exhibition, at the Imperial printing house kiosk, where just the Naksh-i-Rustam is opened. You see also there the great Sargon inscription with our transcription and interlinear translation.
Believe me yours most Truly
J. Oppert.