Mio Signore St.mo
31 Xbre 1823
Non ho mai sperato quant’oggi di rivederla. Mi ero così da me stabilito che oggi dovesse venire. Ma perdo ora ogni lusinga essendo avanzata la notte senza però voler perdere il grato piacere di augurarci benché lontano un buon principio d’anno colmo di tutte quelle felicità che V.S. può desiderare e che porro cooperare al suo ben essere. Tale è il cordiale mio voto e tale è il poco compenso ch’io posso offrirle dopo tanta bontà che Lei mi ha dimostrata.
Quando V.S. partì mi disse che se avevo qualche bisogno lo scrivessi. Ebbene non ho mai avuto il più grande che di avere sue nuove. Abbia dunque la compiacenza di scrivermele e mi dica quando finalmente avrò il piacere di rivederla.
Qui unita avrà una lettera della famiglia testé arrivata ed in attesa di essere favorito passo a dichiararmi con tutto il rispetto
di V.S. Ill.ma Umil.mo ed Obb.mo Servitore
Gio Percij
Books found in Trunk Nov. 1823 Sackville St <2> and some removed & erased from this list.
Thesaurus 12, 17, Pars 3, 14, 16, 13,
2 Spectrometers in 1 box:
Hariri part 1 – Alcoran Maracci <3>
Cousin Vol 2,1 <4>
Dupin developpemens de Geom <5>
Richardson’s Arab Gram.
Klingenstierna <6>
Pingré, <7> 1,2
Fourier sur la Chaleur <8>
Propaganda Arab Gram
Cousin, Astronomy <9>
Lagrange Equats numériques <10>
Gergonne XI, <11> XII as far as No 10
Noble’s Arab. Vocab
Hachette, Machines <12>
Briggs Poëtæ Bucolici <13>
Flora Scotica
Chrestomathii Arabe 1, 23 <14>
Rosenmüller Institu <15> [nes?]
Galignani Swiss Guide do French <16>
Gautier Trois corps <17>
Ségur les femmes 2. <18>
hermite en province 1,2,3 <19>
Hebrew Psalter <20>
Gesner in french 1, 2, 3 <21>
Montucla quadr. of Circle <22>
my little House
Gay, Monography des Lasiopétalées <23>
Journal of tour in S. of France.
Cardinali transcendent
Sacy Arab Gram 1,2 <24>
Galignani’s Literary Gazette 1 vol <25>
Exposé des Missions <26>
Tableau de la Suisse
Florus <27>
Coxe’s Switzerland <28>
Flora Helvetica <29>
Persoon 1,2 given to Wm
Common Prayer <30>
Plato curâ Foster
French [illegible]man Diot 1, 23, 4
Decandolle 3, 5, 6, 4, 2 <31>
Environs de Paris Map
Guide de la Conversat. Espagnole <32>
Plana, équilibre des fluides <33>
Brewster <34> 11, 8, 9, 10
Museum Criticum 7, <35>
Decandolle Systema <36> 2,
Lapeyrousse & Supplt
Decand. Synopsis
Browns Prodromus <37>
Cousin Analyse <38>
Oberland 1,2 –
Ampere <39> Electro magnetism
Sylla <40>
Lucerne et ses environs <41>
Pensées de Platon in Greek
John, sylloge curâ [L?]
Corlinin & Plana équatn lumiere obras on LaPlace
Moricand flora Veneta <42>
Wendelbor Germ. Grammar [Nochden’s?] Do
Paris to Neufchatel <43>
Agrostologia Helvetica 2,1 <44>
Mérat flore de Paris <45>
Ecole Polytechnique cours d’Analyse par Cauchy <46>
Cd. T. 1824
Recherches curieuses sur l’Aise
Flora of Nice Allioni <47>
Ramond’s obsns 2,1 <48>
Stainville Mélanges <49>
Ebel vol 3,1,2 <50>
Brights Palmyra <51>
4 [illegible]
Mr Talbot
My Esteemed Lord
December 31, 1823
Never have I hoped as much as today to see you again. I had so convinced myself that you should come today. However I am now losing all hope since it is late without, nevertheless, wishing to lose the great pleasure of wishing you although you are far away a good start to the year filled with all the happiness that Your Lordship could desire and that I might be able to contribute to your well-being. Such is my warm wish and such is the small recompense which I can offer you after all the goodness Your Lordship has shown me.
When Your Lordship left you told me that I should write if I had any needs. Well I have never had a greater need than to receive news from you. Do me thus the courtesy of writing to me and tell me at last when I shall have the pleasure of seeing you again.
You shall find enclosed a letter from the family which arrived just now and as I await to receive your favour I declare myself with all respect
Your Most Illustrious Lordship’s Most Humble and Obedient Servant
Gio Percij
Books found in Trunk Nov. 1823 Sackville St and some removed & erased from this list.
Thesaurus 12, 17, Pars 3, 14, 16, 13,
2 Spectrometers in 1 box:
Hariri part 1 – Alcoran Maracci
Cousin Vol 2,1
Dupin developpemens de Geom
Richardson’s Arab Gram.
Pingré, 1,2
Fourier sur la Chaleur
Propaganda Arab Gram
Cousin, Astronomy
Lagrange Equats numériques
Gergonne XI, XII as far as No 10
Noble’s Arab. Vocab
Hachette, Machines
Briggs Poëtæ Bucolici
Flora Scotica
Chrestomathii Arabe 1, 23
Rosenmüller Institu [nes?]
Galignani Swiss Guide do French
Gautier Trois corps
Ségur les femmes 2.
hermite en province 1,2,3
Hebrew Psalter
Gesner in french 1, 2, 3
Montucla quadr. of Circle
my little House
Gay, Monography des Lasiopétalées
Journal of tour in S. of France.
Cardinali transcendent
Sacy Arab Gram 1,2
Galignani’s Literary Gazette 1 vol
Exposé des Missions
Tableau de la Suisse
Coxe’s Switzerland
Flora Helvetica
Persoon 1,2 given to Wm
Common Prayer
Plato curâ Foster
French [illegible]man Diot 1, 23, 4
Decandolle 3, 5, 6, 4, 2
Environs de Paris Map
Guide de la Conversat. Espagnole
Plana, équilibre des fluides
Brewster 11, 8, 9, 10
Museum Criticum 7,
Decandolle Systema 2,
Lapeyrousse & Supplt
Decand. Synopsis
Browns Prodromus
Cousin Analyse
Oberland 1,2 –
Ampere Electro magnetism
Lucerne et ses environs
Pensées de Platon in Greek
John, sylloge curâ [L?]
Corlinin & Plana équatn lumiere obras on LaPlace
Moricand flora Veneta
Wendelbor Germ. Grammar [Nochden’s?] Do
Paris to Neufchatel
Agrostologia Helvetica 2,1
Mérat flore de Paris
Ecole Polytechnique cours d’Analyse par Cauchy
Cd. T. 1824
Recherches curieuses sur l’Aise
Flora of Nice Allioni
Ramond’s obsns 2,1
Stainville Mélanges
Ebel vol 3,1,2
Brights Palmyra
4 [illegible]
1. Written in WHFT’s hand.
2. 31 Sackville Street, London residence of the Feildings, often used as a London base by WHFT.
3. Ludovico Maracci (1612–1700), who wrote Alcorani textus universus ex correctioribus Arabum exemplaribus summa fide atque pulcherrimis characteribus descriptus … in latinum tr., appositis unicuique capiti notis atque refutatione; his omnibus praemissus est Prodromus… (1698).
4. Probably a work by Jacques Antoine Joseph Cousin (1739–1800), a physicist and mathematician.
5. Charles Dupin (1784–1873), and Gaspard Monge, Développements de géométrie avec des applications à la stabilité des vaisseaux, aux déblais et remblais, au défilement, à l’optique, etc. Ouvrage approuvé par l’Institut de France pour faire suite à la géométrie descriptive et à la géométrie analytique de m. Monge (Paris: V. Courcier, 1813).
6. Possibly Samuel Klingenstierna (1698–1765), Swedish mathematician and physicist, provided first comprehensive theory for design of lenses that are achromatic and lack spherical aberration.
7. Probably a work by Alexandre Guy Pingré (1711–1796), French astronomer and mathematician.
8. Joseph Fourier, Théorie analytique de la chaleur (1822).
9. Jacques Antoine Joseph Cousin (1739–1800), Introduction à l’étude de l’astronomie physique Publication (A Paris : De l’Imprimerie de Didot l’aîné, chez la Veuve Dessaint, 1787).
10. Comte Joseph Louis de Lagrange, Résolution des équations numériques (1798).
11. Joseph Diez Gergonne (1771–1859), established his own mathematics journal, the first part appearing in 1810, officially called Annales de mathématiques pures et appliquées but became known as Annales de Gergonne (Paris: 1810–1832).
12. Jean Nicolas Pierre Hachette (1769–1834), wrote on the theory of machines.
13. Theocritus; Bion of Phlossa near Smyra; Moschus of Smyra; Thomas Briggs Ed., Poetae bucolici graeci; Sive, Theocriti, Bionis et Moschi quae supersunt (Cantabrigiae, Smith, 1821)
14. Probably Johann Jahn, Lexicon arabico-latinum chrestomathiae arabicae accommodatum (1802).
15. Ernst Friedrich Karl Rosenmüller (1769–1835), evangelist theologian and orientalist.
16. Giovanni Antonio Galgnani (1752–1821), newspaper publisher.
17. Alfred Gautier, Essai historique sur les problèmes des trois corps ou dissertation sur la théorie des mouvements de la lune et des planètes (Paris: 1817).
18. J. A. de Ségur, Les femmes, leur condition et leur influence dans l’ordre social chez différens peuples ancient et modernes (published in 3 vols. in 1803, new edition in 2 vols. published in Paris: Raymond, 1820).
19. Etienne de Jouy et al., L’hermite en province, ou, Observations su les mœurs et les usages français au commencement du XIXe siècle (Paris: Pillet, 1818–1827).
20. The Hebrew Psalter is a collection of Psalms in the form of five books. The Psalter was produced sometime after 538 BC. (the Persians had just let the exhiled Israelites back into Jerusalem). At this point the Israelities made an effort to rebuild their traditions, and so produced the Psalter to inspire the people.
21. Konrad von Gesner (1516–1565), Swiss scientist and bibliographer. Produced a number of botanical writings.
22. Jean Etienne Montucla (1725–1799), Histoire des recherches sur la quadrature du cercle (Paris: Jombert, 1754).
23. Jacques Etienne Gay, Monographie des cinq genres de plantes que comprend la tribu des Lasiopetalées dans la famille des Büttnériacées (Paris: 1821).
24. Baron Antoine Isaac Silvestre de Sacy (1758–1838), French orientalist who wrote Grammaire Arabe l’usage des élèves de l’École spéciale des langues orientales vivantes … (2 vols, Paris: 1810), and the Chrestomathie Arabe, ou, Extraits de divers écrivains arabes, tant en prose qu’en vers, à l’usage des élèves de l’École spéciale des langues orientales vivantes (3 vols., Paris: 1806).
25. Galgnani (1752–1821), newspaper publisher.
26. Probably refers to the Monographies, Titre Exposé de l’état actuel des missions évangéliques chez les peuples infidèles (Genève: Principuax Libraires, 1821).
27. Publius Annius Florus ( ca.70– ca.140)
28. William Coxe (1747–1828), Sketches on the Natural, Political and Civil State of Switzerland (London: 1779).
29. Possibly Johann Rudolf Suter (1766–1827), Flora Helvetica : exhibens plantas helvetiae indigenas hallerianas, et omnes quae nuper detectae sunt Helvetiens flora…(Zurich: Orell, Fuesli et Socc, 1802), or Suter and Johnnes Hegetschweiller (1789–1839), Flora Helvetica : exhibens plantas Helvetiae phanerogamas (Turici: Impensis Orelli, Fuesslini et Socc, 1822).
30. The Common Prayer was introduced in the mid 1500s by the Episcopal Church, with a variety of different editions being introduced throughout the centuries.
31. Augustin Pyramus (or Pyrame) de Candolle (1778-1841), Swiss botanist.
32. Guide de la Conversation Espagnole (Bordeaux: Gassiot, 1823).
33. Article probably written by Giovanni Antonio Amedeo Plana (1781–1864), astronomer.
34. Sir David Brewster (1781–1868), Scottish scientist and journalist.
35. Museum Criticum was a journal established and run from Trinity College, Cambridge (1814–1826). The journal contains notes and reviews of classical texts.
36. Augustin Pyramus De candolle, Prodromum systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis.
37. R. Brown, Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae et insulae Van Diemen (London: 1810).
38. Probably J.A.J. Cousin (1739–1800), Traité élémentaire d'analyse mathématique (Paris: Bernard, 1797).
39. André-Marie Ampére (1775–1836).
40. Probably refers to Lucius Cornelius Sylla the Roman General (138 BC–78 BC). A book was written on Sylla by Plutarch in 75.
41. Joseph Businger, Itinéraire du Mont-Righi et du Lac des Quatre Cantons, prédédé de la description de la ville de Lucerne et de ses environs (Lucerne: 1815).
42. Stefano Moricand, Flora veneta (Geneva, Paris: 1820)
43. Possibly refers to a book by George Bernard Depping (1784–1853), Voyage de Paris à Neufchatel en Suisse, fait dans l'automne de 1812 (Paris: A. Eymery, 1813).
44. Jean Gaudin (1766–1833), Agrostologia helvetica: definitionem descriptionemque graminum et plantarum eis affinium in Helvetia sponte nascentium complectens (Paris: J.J. Paschoud, 1811).
45. Possibly F. V. Merat, Nouvelle flore des environs de Paris suivant le système sexuel de linnée… (Paris: Méquignon-Marvis, 1812).
46. Baron Augustin Louis Cauchy, Cours d’analyse de l’Ecole Royale Polytechnique (Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 1821).
47. Carlo Allioni (1725–1804), Stirpium præcipuarum littoris et agri Nicæensis enumeratio methodica : cum elencho aliquot animalium ejusdem Maris (Paris: 1757).
48. Louis-François Ramond, Observations faites dans les Pyrénées pour servir de suite à des observations sur les Alpes, insérées dans une traduction des lettres de W. Coxe, sur la Suisse (Paris, Berlin: 1789).
49. M. J. de Stainville, Mélanges d’analyse algébrique et de géométrie (Paris: Ve Courcier, 1815).
50. Johann Gottfried Ebel (1764–1830), writer of Swiss guide books. His first volume was written in 1790, the 2nd in 1804-1805, and the third in 1809.
51. John Henry Bright, Palmyra: a poem which obtained the Chancellor’s Medal at the Cambridge commencement, July 1822 (Cambridge: 1822).