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Document number: 7284
Date: 31 Jul 1856
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: PHILLIPPS Thomas
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: Acc 20590 (envelope only)
Last updated: 13th February 2013

Middle Hill
31 July. 56

Dear Sir

I am very sorry to find yr letter has escaped my attention, but I have had a Gentleman from Florence here, copying my MSS & I have been engaged in searching for the MSS sometimes all day.

I have a very fine Cylinder from Babylon, wch I shd rather call an Urn, for it is closed at one end, & is in fact a small barrel, open at one end. It has never been examined & I shall have very great pleasure in shewing it to you. If you will give me the pleasure of your company in a visit to Middle Hill, either now, before, or after the Scientific Meeting at Cheltenham, you can examine it at your leisure.

I offered to shew it to Sir Henry Rawlinson, but he did not chuse to come to me, therefore it is at the service of some other Babylonian Interpreter, who will not eat up his own words so often.

If you cd bring your Photograph Apparatus, I have many Articles wch I think you wd like to take Copies of.

And, if it is not asking of you too great a favour, I shd be extremely glad to see your Cartulary of Lacock, if you would bring it with you.

Believe me Yours very truly
Tho. Phillipps

Henry Fox Talbot Esqr
Lacock Abbey

[fair copy in Phillipps’ hand, in the Bodleian Library]

M H 31 July. 56
Dr Sir

I am very sorry to find yr letter has escaped my attention, but I have had a Gentleman from Florence here copying my MSS, & I have been engaged in searching for the MSS sometimes all day.

I have a very fine Cylinder from Babylon, wch I shd rather call an Urn, for it is closed at one end, & is in fact a small barrel, open at one end. It has never been examined & I shall have very great pleasure in shewing it to you. If you will give me the pleasure of yr company on a visit to Middle Hill either before or after the Scientific Meeting at Cheltenham, you can examine it at your leisure. I offered to shew it to Sir Henry Rawlinson, but he did not chuse to come to me therefore it is at the service of some other Babylonian Interpreter who will not eat up his own words so often.

If you cd bring your Photograph Apparatus, I have many articles wch I think you wd like to take Copies of.

And, if it is not asking of you too great a favour, I shd be extremely glad to see your cartulary of Lacock, if you would bring it with you.

Believe me Yours very truly
T Phillipps

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