[The envelope for this letter is in a private collection:]
W. H. F. Talbot Esq M. P.
29. Albermarle Street
General Post Office
17th May 1833
I have not failed to make particular enquiry into your representation respecting the enclosed <1> Letter.- The proper officer reports that he has strictly examined the parties into whose hands the Letter passed - The first Letter Carrier declares that altho' he made much enquiry, he could not find your residence in Albermarle Street; <2> - he therefore transferred it to another Man, who referred to the Calendar containing the residences of Members, & finding the name at 31 Sackville Street, <3> he caused it to be presented there, and at No 31 your actual address in Albermarle Street was ascertained, and the Letter consequently delivered.
I am informed that altho' it is the practice to apply at the House of Commons for the addresses of the Members, there is generally much difficulty in procuring temporary information, more especially on unpaid Twopenny post Letters, which the Parties do not desire to receive, & that very many Members have given orders to the Clerk at the Letter Office of the House of Commons not to furnish their addresses. I very much regret any inconvenience you may have experienced.-
I have the honor to be Sir Your obedient humble servant
T Reilly
1. Enclosure not located.
2. WHFT lived at this London address, just down the street from the Royal Institution, for half of April and the whole of May, 1833.
3. 31 Sackville Street, London residence of the Feildings, often used as a London base by WHFT.