Dear Talbot
Many thanks for your letter and the good wishes it contains. I troubled your servant with a packet to Mr Gundry the banker.<1> All the canvassing which I need ask of you is that you will mention me to two or three of the leading gentlemen there whom you are acquainted with, and perhaps to your tradesmen as your friend, and what I may ask you to add, an honest man. As you think of coming into Parliament you ought to be [illegible]. Your best enterprise would be something of a speculative character. Such things come to one’s hearing every day but require to be caught at, as the schoolboy catches a butterfly. I should be glad to put you in the way of hearing of some such opening. Lord Carnarvon <2> is I am sorry to say not well. I am
Dear Talbot very faithfully yrs
Philip Pusey
1. William Gundry, banker, Chippenham .
2. Henry George Herbert, 2nd Earl of Carnarvon (1772– 16 April 1833), his father-in-law.