<engraved letterhead/address>
Royal Asiatic Society,
5, New Burlington Street, W.,
15th Jany 1863.
My dear Sir,
I would have at once acknowledged the safe arrival of your packet, but I waited to see whether I should have a chance of putting it into the printers’ hands. It was not <illeg> of material, but difficulties that held back the completion of articles ordered for instant publication, that have delayed the appearance of the current part. Yesterday, where I was expecting a few pages of matter, enough for 40 or more pages came in – more than was wanted for space reserved. However, as it is on a very important and interesting subject, the more there is of it, the better.
Meanwhile, I mentioned the receipt of your article to the President and Director. Sir H. Rawlinson took it for examination, and on Monday, he will, perhaps, report on it as to publication.
You shall hear from me as soon as I have anything to communicate on the subject.
Believe me, dear Sir, faithfully yours
J W Redhouse
H. F. Talbot, Esq.