<engraved letterhead/address>
Royal Asiatic Society,
5, New Burlington Street, W.,
3d Septr 1861.
Dear Sir,
An absence of three weeks will, I am sure, be my excuse for not having answered your letter of the 29th July earlier.
I believe that I informed you when your papers were referred to a Committee by the Council. The publication was recommended, in general terms, but the separate articles were not all returned together. As soon as I received the first, I sent it to the printers. It will appear in the forthcoming part, although it will thus reach 135 pages. I feel this is due to you; and I can make the next part with fewer pages.
The second article, too, I sent to the printers as soon as I received it, as I did not then know how many pages the matter in hand would reach to. As this will not be published till 1st. Jany, I think your idea an extremely good one that you should be furnished with your Copies for private distribution, and I will request the printer to let you have them, if there be no obstacle, as soon as possible. I think it is nearly or quite set up. I have no doubt myself that this will be done as you wish. – When the parts are bound together, these two articles will follow in order of pages, so that your wishes so far may be considered as complied with already.
Respecting those of Pul and Nabonidus, I had thought of leaving them for the number part of 1st. April. These I have only recently received, with that of the Nakshi-Rustem <sic>. I will learn from the printer whether he can set them up now and let you have your private copies without delay; and if so, perhaps you will not object to my arrangement, if I find it the best I can make, though possibly I may have them arranged in succession for the January part. If so, the Nakshi-Rustem can stand over to April, and otherwise to July, as it not <sic> a new document, but is before the world for study in the original.
Hoping these explanations will prove satisfactory,
I remain, my dear Sir, faithfully yours,
J W Redhouse
H. F. Talbot Esqre