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Document number: 8492
Date: 27 Dec 1861
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: REDHOUSE James William
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 1st September 2003

<engraved letterhead/address>

Royal Asiatic Society,

5, New Burlington Street, W.,


27th Decr 1861.

Dear Sir,

I beg to inclose receipt for the amount of your reduced composition.

The printer has not yet sent in his bill, so I can say nothing on that head as yet.

I have got from the French Government the published parts of Oppert’s work on Assyrian Antiquities. Unfortunately, the edition of Botta’s work is exhausted; and in lieu of it, we have only received the expression of M. Walewski’s regret.

Believe me, dear Sir, faithfully yours,

J W Redhouse

H. F. Talbot, Esq.

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