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Document number: 1001
Date: 05 Aug 1822
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: LA22-45
Last updated: 24th January 2013

Royal Institution
5th August 1822


I have the honor to inform you, that you were this day elected a member of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. Your attendance for admission is therefore requested at one of the following Monthly Meetings, at two o’clock precisely, to complete your qualification.

Monday the 4th of Novr

Monday – 2d of December

Monday – 3d of February 1823

Monday – 3d of March

Monday – 7th of April

Monday – 5 of May

The contributions required by the Bye Laws are as follows, From a new member, fifty guineas; or an admission fee of eight guineas, and a bond to pay four guineas yearly, in January: From a life subscriber, who has compounded, or nominated under the Act, on being elected a member, twenty=five guineas; or an admission fee of four guineas, and a bond to pay two guineas yearly, in January:

Besides a contributions, in either case, of five guineas to the library and mineralogical fund, on admission, or within three years after.

Thomas Harrison Secretary.

Assist Secretary

These contributions may be paid to Mr. Fincher, Clerk at the Institution, or any of the following Bankers.

Messrs. Morland , Ransom, and Co. Pall Mall,

Messrs. Hammersley and Co. Pall Mall,

Messrs. Herries, Farquhar, and Co. St. James’s Street,

Messrs. Hoare, Fleet Street,

Messrs, Pybus and Co. Bond Street.

W Henry Talbot, Esqr

W. Bulmer and Co. Printers to the Royal Institution, Cleveland-Row, St. James’s