Lackham House
Octr 19th 1838
My dear Sir,
I should have answer’d yours <1> of the 15th inst before, but only return yesterday Evening from Marlbro’ Quarter Sessions – as to employing another Policeman at Lacock: I talk’d the matter over with Mr [Sitcount?] & we came to the opinion that under personal circumstances we saw no reason for so doing; nothing particular having taken place of a serious nature on the Rail Road, indeed I think the conduct of the men is much better than we could expect & I have not heard a request for more assistance from our present Police Man: He has 4 or 5 Men who we can call in at any time for assistance – The act of Parliament you mention I have got (a very good Act it is) is a farther reason for not burthening the Parish or ourselves with any additional expence for Police Services. You will recollect our present Police Man was not appointed in consequence of the Rail Road, but if we now appointed another man, it would evidently appear that was our object & might have a bad effect. I am sorry to find I am not to expect any assistance from you in my magisterial office – With best Compts to Mrs Talbot,<2> believe me to remain,
Dear Sir, Yours Truly
F W. Rooke
To H. F. Talbot Esqr
Lacock Abbey
1. Letter not located.
2. Constance Talbot, née Mundy (1811–1880), WHFT’s wife.