[heavily water damaged and largely illegible]
To H. F. Tslbot E
should recommend for the [illegible]
plant to plant is 3550 . The sorts I would recommend for the soil at Bowden[illegible] are as follows
Viz. 500 Spruce at 1 - 2 pts.
Viz. 700 Larch at 2 - 3 pts.
Viz. 700 Chestnuts at 2 -3 3 prts.
Vix. 200 Scotch at 1 pt.
Viz. 100 Common Elm at 4 pts.
viz. 700 Birch at 2 - 3 pts.
200 Sycamore at 2 to 3 pts.
Total 3550
If the holes to receive the trees by your own Labourers previous to my sending them I will agree to plant the above number of Trees at Six Pounds per acre with the proviso that I have not less than six Labourers to assist me when planting . The men shall be all good healthy [illegible]
The plants ordered for the Abbey shall be forwarded immediately the weather shall allow.
I am Sir Your Obedient Servant
James Salter
18th Decr.
P.S. I have stated in my estimate to M
H. F. Talbot
31 Sackville St.