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Document number: 5534
Date: 09 Nov 1857
Dating: overwritten from 8 Nov
Recipient: SAUNDERS Charles Alexander
Author: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 1st September 2003



Nov 9 / 57

I am much obliged by yr lr. It is a vy fair princple t estabsh yt ye chrge for carrge shd diminsh accg to a certn scale, as the qua no of tons carrd increases

It was at 1st pposd t brg ye my ore by Canal to Chipm But we find yt 9d a ton is asked for carriage fm ye Canal wharf to the railwy.

To avoid this difficty I shd be glad t know whr th. is not some point on ye railway abt 8 or 9 m– fm Chm between it & Wn Bassett, where ye line comes so near to ye canal that ye ore can be shifted fm ye 1 to ye or without at trifling expense – I am not acqd wth that part of ye line myself, but think that this accommodn must be the case somewh. or might easily be managed – It is a great very desirable for us to get rid of this extra charge By this means we shd get rid of this extra chge wch is vy desirable (K)

It is understood yt ye GWR have agreed with ye G.W. Iron Compy / carry their ore on ye terms of

I have not heard I know not whr If the GWR carry ^ore for Messrs Sarl & Co on ye same ^or similar tms wch I have not heard mentioned, it appears to me that the carri charge for the carriage of a ton of ore fm Chipm to Wlhn the distce ^by the GWR being 129 miles by the G.W.R. will amt to 4/9

plus the terminal charges whatever they are

I request you will inform me whr this calcn is correct, ^or if not, what the figu in what respect it is errons

I have for the sake of simplicity I have made the supposn that the quanty of ore to be sent wd equal that sent by Messrs Sarl. Of course, I understand that, in ye case of the quanty is smaller ye charge will be proportly greater, but I want shd be glad to know first of all to know precisely to know precisely the charge for 129 miles railway carriage of the ore, supposing the quantity carried to be equal.

I am unable to state at prest the probable no of tons to be conveyd – I see no reason why ye works shd not be carried on, on a large scale –

<at top of r/h side, passage marked for insertion>

(K) Hence I shd be glad of any informn on this point.

<expanded version>


November 9, 1857

I am much obliged by your letter. It is a very fair principle to establish that the charge for carriage should diminish according to a certainscale, as the quantity number of tons carried increases.

It was at first proposed to bring my ore by Canal to Chippenham. But we find that nine shillings a ton is asked for carriage from the Canal wharf to the railway. To avoid this difficulty I should be glad to know whether there is not some point on the railway about eight or nine miles from Chippenham between it and Wooton Bassett, where theline comes so near to the canal that the ore can be shifted from one to the other without at trifling expense – I am not acquainted with that part of the line myself, but think that this accommodation must be the case somewhere or might easily be managed – It is a great very desirable for us to get rid of this extra charge By this means we should get rid of this extra charge which is very desirable. Hence I should be glad of any information on this point.

It is understood that the Great Western Railway have agreed with the Great Western Iron Company to carry their ore on the terms of I have not heard I know not whether the Great Western Railway carry ore for Messrs Sarl & Co <1> on the same or similar terms which I have not heard mentioned, it appears to me that the carriage charge for the carriage of a ton of ore from Chippenham to Wolverhampton the distance by the Great Western Railway being 129 miles by the Great Western Railway will amount to four shillings nine pence plus the terminal charges whatever they are.

I request you will inform me whether this calculation is correct, or if not, what the figure in what respect it is erroneous. I have for the sake of simplicity I have made the supposition that the quantity of ore to be sent would equal that sent by Messrs Sarl. Of course, I understand that, in the case of the quantity is smaller the charge will be proportionately greater, but I want should be glad to know first of all to know precisely to know precisely the charge for 129 miles railway carriage of the ore, supposing the quantity carried to be equal.

I am unable to state at present the probable numberof tons to be conveyed – I see no reason why the works should not be carried on, on a large scale –


1. Sarl & Company, London.

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