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Document number: 7497
Date: 17 Nov 1857
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: SAUNDERS Charles Alexander
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number: envelope 20611
Last updated: 7th July 2010

[printed letterhead:]
Great Western Railway.
London Terminus.
17th Nov. 1857.

Dear Sir,

In reply to your Letter of yesterday, I give you the Scale of Terminal charges to be made, in addition to the Mileage, according to amount of Freight – viz

[list in 2 cols; col. 1 value of freight; col. 2 unit cost; figures aligned in each]

[col. 2 headed] s . d

£5000 pr Ann – 1/6 pr Ton

10,000 – ,, –1/3 – ,, –

15,000 – ,, – 1/ – ,, –

20,000 – ,, – 9d – ,, –

30,000 – ,, – 6d – ,, –

40,000 – ,, – 3d – ,, –

The company would not find Waggons for the Conveyance of ore; and, in fact, they have stipulated that the Parties themselves shall provide their own Trucks

I believe however that there is a Class of Contractor who finds Waggons for rates of hire varying from £20 to £26 pr Ann: for each Waggon, carrying from 8– to 10 Tons of Ore in them – I mention this merely as some guide to you in your Calculations

I was not aware of the distance from the Railway to the position of your Iron Stone, – being so great as you mention – nor would the Terminal Charge be reduced by it; inasmuch as the Scale is framed upon the supposition that the Business of loading & unloading the Trucks is carried on off the Line of Railway, & that the formation of the Trains or the delivery of them must be made by means of sidings which adjoin the Railway – even altho’ a Branch be necessary to carry the Waggons to or from their ultimate Destination

I remain, Dear Sir yours faithfully
Chas A: Saunders

H. Fox Talbot Esq
Lacock Abbey

H. Fox Talbot Esq
Lacock Abbey

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