Lacock Abbey
1st April 1841
I have a claim upon the Company for a small sum, which they received from me by mistake on the 15th ult. Of course I ought to have applied to the Directors in the first instance but not having done so I must request you to desire the superintendant at the Woolton Bassett Station to forward to you a letter which I sent him, containing the particulars.
The sum in question is trifling even to me; much more so is it to the Company, & it is merely a sense of justice induces me to request the repayment of it.
I am sure that as soon as the Company understand that they actually received payment for 4 inside places of the Regulator Coach (which only carries that number) they cannot feel the smallest wish to retain the value of a fifth place, which they had booked in London by mistake. The superintendant in his letter speaks of witnesses, but no witnesses are required besides the waybill, which if examined will certainly show that the whole inside was paid for, and they have got my fare besides.
I am Sir
Your obedt servt
H.F. Talbot
I refer you to the letter I sent to the superintendant, not to write the same over again. He took 10 days to send an answer.
H.F. Talbott <1>
Chippenham Apl 1st
recd 2nd
Answd 14th
1. Remainder of text written in another hand.