Great Western Railway
Princes Street, Bank,
14th April 1841.
I am desired by the Directors to acknowledge your Letter <1> of the 1st Instt, which has been submitted to them together with the Documents referred to by you –
Your former Letter appears to have been addressed to Mr Lawes <2> – the Landlord of the Angel at Chippenham, <3> & not to the Superintendant at Wootton Basset Road Station, as you had imagined, but it has been procured & shewn to the Committee –
The Circumstances of the Case are not precisely such as you suppose them to be, inasmuch as the two Passengers, who claimed to have seats did not proceed in the Coach & the Company consequently were deprived of their Fares, as well as your own, which of course was a loss to them. –
The Directors however readily admit that the Circumstances of such Loss ought not to leave you liable both for the Coach fare & the Hire of Chaise, as it is obvious that no fault could be attached to any but the Coach Office Keepers who had overbooked – & caused the Irregularity.
I regret extremely the inconvenience you sustained, & have much pleasure in sending a Post Office Order for 24% reimbursable to you at Chippenham, as being the most convenient mode of remittance –
I remain, Sir,
Your very obedt Servt
Charles Saunders
Lacock Abbey
H. F. Talbot Esq
1. See Doc. No: 04234.
2. Joseph Lawes, owner, Angel Inn, Chippenham.
3. Chippenham, Wiltshire: largest town near Lacock, 3 miles N.