abcdef <1>
Nov 16 / 57
I will considr of yr suggestn t make a ^private bch railw to join ye GWR – I am afrd it wd be ^an expensve undertakg ye length ^of it wd be abt 1½ m. mostly but not entire thro t my own land but some wd have t be purchased x As to ye transpt of ore to Staffdsh. If y. will be so good as t infm me of ye amt of ye terml charges, I shall then be able to sum up the total expence of carrying the ore to Staffdsh there by the GWR – and also I shd be glad to know the charge made for the use of the GWR Compys trucks for 129 miles in case the ore is conveyd in ym – Wd there be any terml charge here with respect to ore passing from my private railway, if it shd be connnecd, on to the GWR.
x I suppose
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Saunders/November 16, 1857
I will consider of your suggestion to make a private branch railway to join the Great Western Railway – I am afraid it would be an expensive undertaking the length of it would be about one and a half miles mostly but not entirely through my own land but some would have to be purchased I suppose As to the transport of ore to Staffordshire, if you will be so good as to inform me of the amount of the terminal charges, I shall then be able to sum up the total expence of carrying the ore to Staffordshire there by the Great Western Railway – and also I should be glad to know the charge made for the use of the Great Western Railway Company’s trucks for 129 miles in case the ore is conveyed in them – Would there be any terminal charge here with respect to ore passing from my private railway, if it should be connected, on to the Great Western Railway.
1. To test the pen.