1 Hillside Crescent
April 28
Dear Sir
Very many thanks indeed for your <illeg> & extensive present of so many of your photoglyphs; especially as they raise my idea of the power of the method. Some of the plates for instance do show black, very black indeed, & if there be something still wanting to a general, naked=eye <sic> view, the microscope opens up wonders: for such certainly are the heads & the expressions of the heads in the Leonardo’s Last supper. The truth of the expression in each other painter’s also is really astonishing; & a Raphael is a Raphael, & a Greuze a Greuze, without the smallest mistake or hesitation.
I have not yet tried to enlarge a paper photograph not transparent, & hardly know exactly how I should proceed with my limited apparatus & more than limited illumination. But if you have something in that way which you would <like to see?> on glass, or would care to have a copy on glass of the new style of engraving which you mention, & are not in a hurry for the result, I shall be most happy to try, on seeing what your subjects are like, & being informed of the size you would wish to have them
& remain
Yours very truly
C. Piazzi Smyth