Tuesday Evg
Dr Sir
I regret that I missed seeing you at Mr Bolton’s <1> today, but as I am leaving Town by the afternoon express and had several matters to arrange with him, this business caused me to lose the opportunity of seeing You.
I have allowed my patent <2> to expire, without asking the Privy Council <3> to renew it, which Mr Carpmael <4> thinks they would certainly have done for 5, 6, or 7 years. But I had presented to the Public <5> that part of it in which Paper negatives are still extensively used, and as I should have renewed the gift I thought it the most advisable course to let the patent expire.
I remain Yours vy Truly
H. F. Talbot
N. S. Maskelyne EsqAshmolean Museum <6>
1. John Henry Bolton (1795–1873), solicitor, London.
2. For the Calotype process.
3. The British sovereign’s private body of advisors, which had been responsible for the regulation of patents until the Patents office was set up under the Patent Law Amendment Act 1852, and which still dealt with many aspects of patents.
4. William Carpmael (1804–1867), patent agent & engineer, London.
5. In 1852 [see Doc. No: 06668].
6. Story-Maskelyne lectured on mineralogy and chemistry at the University of Oxford, and had a laboratory in the lower part of the museum building.