My dear Henry
I enclose you a fine fern genus unknown. Pray see if you can save any seed of your weeping Cypress for me as I am thinking of making an Arboretum.
We have still in flower a number of pretty things & shd have had more but for last weeks storms – Convolv. Cneorum is beautiful I never thought it so pretty before – several small Mesembs – Cistuses – Salvias Ruta albiflora – Cynanchum pilosum Crocuses, Statices, & other remnants of the summer.
How is it that in such a season as last one loses Teuchrium fruticans & retains Convol. Cneorum Italicus, Euphorbia dendroides & Pithyusa & barba jovis – all which grow together on the rocks of Amalfi?
I hope you are coming next with Horatia <1> before the weather changes again.
Yr Aff
1. Henrietta Horatia Maria Gaisford, née Feilding (1810–1851), WHFT’s half-sister.