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Document number: 6665
Date: 23 Jul 1852
Postmark: 24 Jul 1852
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: STRANGWAYS William Thomas Horner Fox
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number: envelope 20472
Last updated: 14th January 2011

Abb <1>
23 July

My dear Henry

I am going to John at Brickworth<2> tomorrow & on Tuesday next to London from whence I go to Markeaton <3> to meet the Trahernes <4> there on our way to the Northern Archeol. meeting at Newcastle–<5> are you likely to go that way after your tour in Ireland? An election is the time to see the humours of the sister country.<6>

I shall take up to town with me your little tin box filled with hardy bulbs I think you may like – they will keep, but I should like to know if I ought to leave such treasures at the Athenæum or send it down to Lacock at once? pray give me a line as to this in Burlington St. <7>

What lovely weather we have had – just like the glorious days of July (now eclipsed) when I remember you were here. Since I wrote Agave Virginica has started up into flower, it will not be out for some time. I have Mesemb. dolabriforme which turns out a night flowering one – Echinocactus Ottonis flowering out of doors. Tradescantia crassifolia. Canna picta.

Fanny <8> who is now here has a great knack of finding out tristia <9> she brought in a black dismal geranium which scented the room at night it is a succulent shrubby one, not tuberous of which we have also several.

My Cape bulbs are appearing but beautissimas is coy & hangs back. I hope its beauty is equal to its modesty. I have got a soi disant <10> Arum crinitum & am curious to see if it proves true. Mandevillea is almost in flower & the Olive full of buds. My dwarf Cérises de Virginie are bearing for the first time. Can you some day raise a cutting of Tacsonia manicata for me?

Did you ever observe the curious changes of colours by moonlight <–> last night on the terrace the fine lilac of Mesemb. inclaudens was a dead straw colour & the yellow dolabriforme white, the small white pinks so prominent from their dark background stood out like glowworms

Arum Colocasia is come up with its beautiful leaf having stood out the winter – have you the pink meadowsweet Sp. <11> palmata I believe <–> it is very fine here.

Yr aff

My Arum tenuif– has ripe seed

Henry F. Talbot Esq
Lacock Abbey


1. Abbotsbury, Dorset: home of William Thomas Horner Fox Strangways.

2. Brickworth House, Wiltshire, between Salisbury and Southampton, was owned by Lord Nelson. It was the home of WHFT's recently deceased uncle, John George Charles Fox Strangways (1803- 8 Sep 1859), MP. After his death, his widow, Lady Amelia, née Marjoribanks (d. 1886), had been staying in London. In preparation for her return, the fireplaces were lit, and on the evening of 27 May 1860 a fire broke out. In spite of the efforts of the neighbors, the fire, fanned by high winds, destroyed nearly all of the stately home and its contents, except for the servant's quarters. Only some furniture was saved from the conflagration.

3. Markeaton Hall, Derbyshire, NW of Derby: home of the Mundy family.

4. Charlotte Louisa 'Charry' Traherne, née Talbot (1800–1880), WHFT’s cousin and her husband.

5. Uncle William was slightly confused here, for while the Duke of Newcastle was its president, the British Archaeological Association met at Newark in August.

6. This was the year of the emergence of the Independent Irish Party. Also known as the 'Irish Independent Opposition Party', the 'Irish Brigade", and 'The Pope’s Brass Band', by the end of the year its liberal MPs had brought down Lord Derby's Tory ministry.

7. 31 Burlington Street, London home of William Thomas Horner Fox Strangways.

8. Probably a daughter of the Revd the Hon. Charles Strangways; see Doc. No: 01197.

9. sad things

10. so-called

11. Spiræa [now Filipendula].

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