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Document number: 7058
Date: Thu 09 Nov 1854
Dating: corrected to calendar
Harold White: 10 Nov 1854
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: STRANGWAYS William Thomas Horner Fox
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 21st February 2012

Melbury <1>

My dear Henry

I find Begonia [rameataea? is here & Nematanthus. It is a cold evening but there has been no frost here. Geraniums & Dahlias as fine as usual. A magnificent Ceanothus azureus on the wall is covered with flower –by the way I missed your old C. Myrsiflorus this morning.

I enclose two pretty flowers from the stove –

I met Lord Hatherton <2> at the station who said Lord Lansdowne <3> was much better this morning. I met also Poulett Scrope. <4>

I though on looking at your largest Cassia plant this morning that the leaves are very like those of the Brasilian species. I dare say it is the same.

Perhaps this will not find you at Lacock – & the flowers will be passées. <5>

Do you know Coleus Blumei

I stopped at the nursery at Yeovil & bought a white Lobelia which was new to me

Yr aff

Dont you think Crimea is an anagrammatic form of Cimmeria? <6> It is known to have been inhabited by some of the Caucasian tribes

[on a smudged slip of paper, in hand of WTHFS:]
Siphocampylos [illegible]cinea
Impatiens [illegible]


1. Melbury, Dorset: one of the Fox Strangways family homes; WHFT was born there.

2. Edward John Littleton, 1st Baron Hatherton (1791–1863).

3. Henry Petty Fitzmaurice, 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne (1780–1863), MP, WHFT’s uncle.

4. George Julius Duncombe Poulett Scrope (1797–1876), MP & scientist.

5. will be finished dying

6. Land of the Cimmerii, on the Sea of Azov and in the Crimea. [These actual Thracian people are distinct from the mythical Cimmerii, who were reputed to live between Baiae and Cumae in Italy, in perpetual darkness – see Doc. No: 01358].

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