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Document number: 407
Date: 06 Oct 1857
Dating: honeymoon (m. Jul 1857); also see 07539, 07644
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: STRANGWAYS William Thomas Horner Fox
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 25th April 2012

6 Octr

My dear Henry

I suppose you can not be at the Athenæum <1> at this time of year so I direct boldly to Lacock, tho your actual habitat is very probably inter sphagna <2> or in [illegible word] montium Cumbricorum or Cambricorum <3> evidently so named after one people, whose remnant may possibly exist in the Manx –We made a short but hot tour in Switzerland <4> & did not attempt any alpine excursions, but I saw much that was new – Zurich, Basle Lucerne, I had never seen before, & I think even the Lowlands of Switzerland as they may be called, a very pretty country – I found a very intelligent guide in Dr Keller of Zurich <5> – who shewed me the curiosities of the town – the old plate is remarkable –

Coming home we took the line by Langres & Troyes, crossing I believe a favourite country of yours, for its bleak & meagre character – bad travelling on that route – the railway will be a blessing – The stained glass at Troyes is very fine.

But I meant to tell you I brought some little French cadeaux <6> for the ladies of your family ( y comprise <7> Mlle Amelina <8>) which are in a packet in Burln St <9>to be called for – directed to Mrs Talbot. <10>

Jane <11> writes they are to go to Nice the end of the month I shall not see them I fear. Have the Talbots got an Earl of Shrewsbury <12> yet to head their noble house? The house material in the mean time having been stripped & spoiled.

Our grapes at Abbotsbury <13> are as large & as fine as in France & perfectly ripened – not against a wall but a reed fence – cucumbers also, sown in the open ground, & trained on espaliers, figs as usual in profusion –

Yr aff


1. Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall, London: WHFT’s club; a gentleman’s club composed primarily of artists and scientists.

2. Among the mosses.

3. In the [illegible word] of the mountains of Cumbria or Cambria.

4. This was possibly his honeymoon; the marriage took place on 21 July 1857.

5. Possibly Heinrich Keller, who published Zweyte Reisekarte der Schweiz, (Zurich: 1855).

6. French presents.It was unlikely for WTHFS to bring back gifts for women – this and the general light-hearted tone of letter support honeymoon hypothesis.

7. Including therein.

8. Amélina Petit De Billier, ‘Mamie’, ‘Amandier’ (1798–1876), governess and later close friend of the Talbot family [See Amélina's journal].

9. 31 Burlington Street, London home of William Thomas Horner Fox Strangways.

10. Jane Harriot Nicholl, née Talbot (1796–1874).

11. Constance Talbot, née Mundy (1811–1880), WHFT’s wife.

12. The disputed claim to the Earldom of Shrewsbury was eventually settled in the House of Lords in favour of Lord Talbot. See Doc. No: 07644, and Doc. No: 07539. This reference indicates the date of 1857 for this document.

13. Abbotsbury, Dorset: home of William Thomas Horner Fox Strangways.

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