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Document number: 375
Date: 18 Aug 1862
Dating: 1862 confirmed by 00355 & comet
Postmark: Brigg 18 Aug 1862
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: STRANGWAYS William Thomas Horner Fox
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number: envelope 22174
Last updated: 20th October 2010

Normanby Park <1>
18 Augt

My dear Henry

We shall be in town from the 27th to the end of the month if you stay so long let me see you in B. St. <2>

I do not have great interest in this Exhibit. <3>

Do you know Anemone Pulsatilla grows plentifully in Rutland – & Apennina they say in parts of this county. <4> What do you think of this Comet? <5> Whose is it?

You had a previous batch of bulbs to mine I remember Melanthium junceam as one – I have never seen it since.

The trees in this part of England are covered with different mosses from ours, which gives their stems a different character for the painter.

Yr aff

I hope to get the Barons list sent me from Melby <6>

Henry F. Talbot Esq
Pall Mall


1. The seat in north Lincolnshire of the Sheffield family. It was formerly the home of WFTS’s maternal aunt Lady Sheffield; subsequently his wife Sophia’s family lived there.

2. 31 Burlington Street, London home of William Thomas Horner Fox Strangways.

3. The International Exhibition of 1862. [See Doc. No: 00355].

4. Lincolnshire.

5. Comet Swift-Tuttle, seen during the Summer of 1862.

6. Melbury, Dorset: one of the Fox Strangways family homes; WHFT was born there.

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