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Result number 309 of 317:   < Back     Back to results list   Next >  

Document number: 8774
Date: 19 Dec 1863
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: STRANGWAYS William Thomas Horner Fox
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: LA63-99
Last updated: 17th February 2012

Abbotsbury <1>Dorchester
19 Decr 1863

My dear Henry

Thanks for your 2d vol of Assyriaca <2> – which I shall study at leisure.

Jane <3> & Christiana <4> & Rice <5> are with us & Ch. Franklen <6>– Iltid <7> [sic] being settled at Lyme brings many of the family we do not often see into Dorset – Your Photograms are very pretty but I miss the monument & the courtyard –

We had two clear days & a threat of frost but it is come to nothing & the Aloe is safe so far – A very pretty Iris – either lacustris or prismatica – is flowering it is rather sweet <8> – I think it one of Emily Murray’s. <9> I have sent you some game & hope it arrived safe. I used to get it at Frankfort from[?] – hence packed in myrtle & from Scotland in Stagshorn Moss –

We stay here till after the new Year – & I hope to see Crocus Imperati & Iris scorpioides in flower – hyacinths & all sorts of bulbs are coming up strong – the double Roman Narcissus – & a single from Malta – are the only ones in flower yet <–> your pretty little Genoese I fear is lost –

The patronymics in ides are very Greek – but the Slavonians have them in witch <10> – tho’ only used in the Greek Church now.

There is a low ridge which connects the Caucasus & Armenia dividing the basons of the Phasis & the Cyrus – & probably extending to the Persian Caucasus of Media – the name at least being prolongd to the Hindoo Kosh – I have not a good map but I think I have seen it laid down as K๔h K๔saun <11> – in Persian – evidently the strips of Caucasus<,> both, in modern nomenclature having a peak called El Borz <12> –



1. Abbotsbury, Dorset: home of William Thomas Horner Fox Strangways.

2. Probably one of more of the four papers by WHFT published in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, s. 2 v. 7, 1863.

3. Jane Harriot Nicholl, n้e Talbot (1796–1874).

4. Christiana Judy Nicholl, of Merthyr Mawr.

5. Christopher Rice Havard Nicholl (b. 1836), Jane Harriot Nicholl, n้e Talbot (1796–1874)’s 5th son.

6. Charles Franklen, a son of Isabella Catherine Franklen, n้e Talbot (1804–1874).

7. Iltyd Thomas Mansel Nicholl (1828–1885), Capt. RN, Jane Harriot Nicholl, n้e Talbot (1796–1874)’s second son. He married Cecilia, daughter of Captain [later Admiral] Arthur William Jerningham. See Doc. No: 08520 and Doc. No: 08526.

8. Sweet-scented.

9. Amelia ‘Emily’ Matilda Murray (1795–1884), author.

10. Greek surnames indicating ‘son of’ end in – ides, Slavonian ones in – witch.

11. [Persian] Koh or kuh: mountain.

12. Elbrus is the highest peak in a chain of mountains in the Caucasus; the Elburz range [an extension of the Hindu Kush] is in northern Iran.

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