Dear Henry
I enclose a single flower of my Orchis undulata & Cyrilli which however you have – is not the latter little else than a yellowish white mascula – it has spotted leaves I have discovered to day that Euphorbia Pithyusa sows itself all about the terrace which is a great thing for us. How odd that it being native of the broiling low shores of the Gulf of Genoa should be hardy while I have lost Myrsinites is which I have seen in the Apennines at 3000ft at least, with R. <1> Elephas.
As we are to go to town I hope we shall make the most of the nursery gardens that is the great thing that reconciles me to leaving this place <2> in this weather. Is there not a new evergreen Azalea? I have been dispersing chamæmoly’s all over the garden – I hope you did the same – pray what how fared your Paper Narcissus ours & those at Melbury <3> never appeared <4> since the winter.
Yr Aff
H. Talbot Esq
31 Sackville Street
1. Rhinanthus.
2. Abbotsbury, Dorset: home of William Thomas Horner Fox Strangways.
3. Melbury, Dorset: one of the Fox Strangways family homes; WHFT was born there.
4. See Doc. No: 00164.