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Document number: 164
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: STRANGWAYS William Thomas Horner Fox
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 5th November 2011

My dear Henry

Mary <1> sends me an anemone found in a wood in Glamorganshire – it is a great acquisition to the British Flora – also some varieties ( urbis )<2> of the A. pavonina. & petals of two of the O. Solis–<3> which is the Nice one? Rubus arcticus is in full blow & spreads amazingly. We are to be in town on Tuesday & I shall bring a cargo. All our paper & other Neapolitan Narcissus were killed this winter it is a most unheard of case. I hope P. Leopold <4> takes out a botanist

John <5> has given me a packet from you which I ought to have had long ago –

Yr Affte


1. Mary Thereza Talbot (1795–1861), WHFT’s cousin.

2. Belonging to the town – probably in the sense of ‘cultivated’.

3. Oculus Solis, a tulip.

4. Probably Leopold of Coburg, who became King of the Belgians in 1830. He married Princess Charlotte, daughter of the Prince Regent, in 1817 [see Doc. No: 00679]. Juliana Maria Strangways, née Digby (d. 1842), mother of WTFS, was one of her ladies-in-waiting.

5. John George Charles Fox Strangways (1803–1859), MP.

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