Monday Evening
My dear Henry
Shall you have leisure tomorrow to resume our search for houses? – If so I think we had better have the assistance of a Fly – There are very nice ones I hear to be had in this street – Shall I engage a good one at any particular hour tomorrow? I should like to enquire further about the Regent’s Park & its environs & we might also drive to Hampstead & see what is to be got there – I will ask Mr Gilder <1> whether it is necessary to have orders from Agents for the Hampsd houses – And if you are too busy yourself, can Nichole <2> & I do anything? – I think we might –
Your affecte
1. Her sister, Marian Gilder, née Mundy (1806 – 14 October 1860); m. 6 August 1844 William Troward Gilder (d. 1871), Army Surgeon (ret).
2. Nicolaas Henneman (1813–1898), Dutch, active in England; WHFT’s valet, then assistant; photographer