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Document number: 5080
Date: Thu
Dating: Talbots were at No 4 Athole Crescent Nov 1855 - Nov 1858
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: TALBOT Constance, née Mundy
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 21st February 2012

Athole Crescent <1>
Thursday –

My dear Henry

I am very glad to hear by your letter received this morng that Edmund Wilkins has succeeded in getting the appt of Master to the Chippenham School – I hope he will conduct it to the satisfaction of the Patrons, and also become a steady character – It must be a great relief to his Father to see him once more placed in a situation to get an honest livelihood. – I have received your former letter description of your walks in the hamlets around Lacock, your conversations with Millars, your admiration of the Cottage gardens adorned with Chrysanthemums.

These rambles are quite a new feature in your Wiltshire life – a new interest nearly co-eval with the [illegible deletion] discovery of the mines – in some way connected with the latter perhaps – With respect to the man Servant, (Samuel Gibson) I [illegible deletion] desired Goodwin <2> to speak about the engagement for six months – and he says he could not engage for less than at the rate of £3.10 per month. – for those are the wages which he had in his last situation – I said I would write and mention this to you – so perhaps you will consider of it & let me know. Goodwin likes the man very much – and it appears a very difficult thing to get one on a job. – Enclosed is a message for George <3>; will you read it to him, if properly worded? I require the detail to put my accounts in order, and Goodwin only brought away a memorandum of the total. When George has written it out will you enclose it to me? – Charles’s <4> letter which you forwarded contains little news. He expects the holidays in about 3 weeks –

Today I was walking in Princes’ Street with Ela <5> & met Mrs Wildman <6>, who was delighted to see us. She is always so warmhearted & friendly – We have not yet had time to call on all our acquaintance –

Professor & Mrs Forbes <7> called on us yesterday – but we were not at home.

Your affectionate


1. Edinburgh.

2. George Goodwin (d. 1875), footman at Lacock Abbey.

3. Possibly George Wilkins (b. 1814), gardener at Lacock.

4. Charles Henry Talbot (1842–1916), antiquary & WHFT’s only son.

5. Ela Theresa Talbot (1835–1893), WHFT’s 1st daughter.

6. Mrs Antonia Wildman, née Oakes (See Doc. No: 07741).

7. Prof James David Forbes (1809–1868), Scottish scientist.

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