Dear Mr Talbot <1>
You were very kind indeed not to disappoint my hopes of hearing from you from your Sunday’s resting-place. It would have been a long long time to have waited for a letter from you till after your arrival at Lacock. – I am very sorry you had a rainy day at Lichfield as I think nothing makes one more melancholy than to find oneself at a strange place in bad weather, & in this instance you were particularly unfortunate as it did not begin to rain here till late in the evening. I hope the letter which came for you the day after you left us will reach Lacock in safety without being the worse for the circuitous route it has taken – we did not send it to Lichfield because we thought it might not arrive before you were gone. –
I have not yet begun to read the Abbot <2> as I preferred waiting till nearer the time when I imagined it possible that you might take it up also – besides, my thoughts were so busily engaged in looking back upon the events of the last few days & enjoying over again all that I then enjoyed, that I had no inclination to turn them immediately upon any other subject. – Last night I contented myself with reading Undine, <3> but this evening I think of indulging myself with the Abbot.
Harriot <4> talks of driving to Willington, to pay a morning visit to her future residence, in which case I purpose accompanying her as I am rather impatient to see it. – I do not think that they will be able to take possession quite so soon as they expected, the preparatory arrangements not being quite completed.
I need scarcely say how delighted I shall be to hear from you again nor how anxiously your return will be expected by
your affectionate
Markeaton <5>
Tuesday 30. –
Henry Fox Talbot Esqr
Lacock Abbey
1. They were not yet married.
2. Sir Walter Scott, The Abbot (1820).
3. Friedrich de la Motte-Fouqué, Undine (1811).
4. Harriot Georgiana Mundy, née Frampton (1806-1886), WHFT’s cousin & sister-in-law.
5. Markeaton Hall, Derbyshire, NW of Derby: home of the Mundy family.