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Document number: 81
Date: Thu
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: TALBOT Constance, née Mundy
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 21st February 2012

4 Athole Crescent <1>
Thursday 1/2 past 3.

My dear Henry

We have had a most excellent journey, without difficulty or mistake of any kind and we arrived here today exactly five minutes before we were due, at the Lothian Road Station <2>. - We received great attention & civility both at Birmingham & Carlisle - the places of writing beforehand to secure rooms evidently answers, for we found our fires burning brightly, and the rooms particularly warm. The chief thing we regretted, was having to pass through Shap & the outskirts of the Lake district in the dark - for we should have enjoyed seeing again that striking scenery - And we missed the opportunity of greeting our friend Skiddaw <3>. - The weather today was particularly fine, and we quite enjoyed our journey, (although it was by railway) for the train travelled slowly through Elvanfoot, and its pretty environs to Carstairs - On leaving the latter place we were 20 minutes or more behind time - which they we recovered before we reached Edinburgh - And this was the only part which frightened us a little for in going so quickly, the carriages swayed more than I ever felt them to do before. You would have admired our alacrity this morning had you seen us meet at breakfast punctually at eight o'clock - yet I must confess there is less merit in leaving one's pillow early, when the noises in the house prevent one from sleeping - Of course we are all rather tired - but now we have nothing to do but rest ourselves - Morgan & Ellen <4> had made everything very comfortable for our reception - and they served up a most excellent dinner about an hour after we arrived - The house itself has received several embellishments since we were here last. The bedrooms are better furnished - and a blocked up window in the best front room has been opened - the beds improved, &c.

We were delighted to find all our heavy luggage arrived, that came by luggage train - even the boxes 2d detachment of boxes that [illegible deletion] left Lacock Abbey on Monday afternoon - They came this morning.

I hope you received Matilda's little letter from Birmingham<5>

Your affectionate


1. Edinburgh.

2. West end of Princes Street, the terminus of the Caledonian Railway on Lothian Road.

3. Mountain in the centre of Cumberland.

4. Servants.

5. Matilda Caroline Gilchrist-Clark, 'Tilly', née Talbot (1839-1927), WHFT's 3rd daughter. Possibly Doc. No: 00106 - also undated.

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