Thursday morning
4, The Circus, Bath. <1>
My dear Henry,
Our Maid, Helen Watson, is sent on a message to Lacock this morning for some things that are wanted here, and she can bring back the Tailor’s patterns which you will no doubt wish to return at once, – retaining of course the one you have chosen. I was glad to hear that you intended coming next Saturday – and of course it saves us both much trouble concerning Alfred’s <2> outfit. I had a talk with Wilkins <3> the day he came over to Bath, about gravel terraces, the drive &c &c and will discuss his opinions with you, when you come. I shall not think any more at the present time of spending a morning at Lacock, as you are coming to Bath so soon – Thank you very much for your letter received this morning – The Post also brings me to-day the Pass book from Melksham Bank –
They have given 15/7 Interest on the last year’s account. Which leaves to my credit at the present time 24/6 instead of 8/11. This proves my entries to be correct.
Your affectionate
1. 4 the Circus, Bath; frequent summer home of Constance Talbot, now a Museum of Costume.
2. A temporary servant. [See Doc. No: 00056 and Doc. No: 04181].
3. George Wilkins (b. 1814), gardener at Lacock.