<Gilchrist-Clark printed crest>
Oct. 7th 1869
My dear Papa,
I have been expecting to get a letter from Mama to tell me what all your plans were for the latter part of the Autumn – and whether it will still suit you to have us whenever we can get away or not – It will be a great pity if we do not carry out our long talked of visit to you, won’t it? but still I feel that we must not be too unreasonable, & I am half prepared to be told that we shall be too late. However I am not going to give up hope just yet – & look forward to seeing you all after all – It would certainly be a good plan if you would tell us what you mean to do quite irrespective of us altogether – we might perhaps make our movements suit with yours better, then – & we might perhaps modify our original intentions to make them agree – However it was not about that that I meant to write at all, but to say that we have sent today 3 brace of birds 2 of Blackgame, one of Grouse – addressed to Mama – They will I think require to be used directly, as they were not quite fresh shot when we got them, but I hope they will arrive in good condition – If Aunt Caroline is with you please give her my love, the same to Ernestine – It would have been an additional pleasure if we could have met them at Lacock also
With much love to yourself & also to Mama & the others
I am yr most affecte daughter
The red flower you brought last Christmas is just in bud now!