Ross Bay
July 13th 1870
My dear Papa,
We looked out for the eclipse last night and saw a small bit of the beginning – afterwards the sky became more densly <sic> covered with clouds, & though we all sat up & went out again from ½ past eleven to half past twelve, we were not rewarded for our perseverance – as nothing more was visible the worst of it was that other parts of the sky were clear, but the region of the moon was thickly covered with clouds – We are very glad you told us however, as we should have been sure not to think of it – We should like to know whether you saw it well at Lacock. Charles is leaving us today for Dumfries first – He talks of going to Furness but it seems doubtful He is going to take this with him, so I must send it.
Much love to Mama & to yourself, fr.Yr affecte daughter
I have not heard fr. Italy lately –