Decr 21st 1870
My dear Papa,
We are all so glad that you have reminded us of the Eclipse, which we shall certainly look out for tomorrow & hope to have a clear sky, though at this time of the year it is a great chance – & unfortunately this has been a fine day so it is almost too much to expect another tomorrow The children are much interested in it beforehand especially Jack & Willie. The latter demanded an immediate explanation of it all – He really is a curious boy – He is now very busy teaching himself Geography – but is much troubled at the uncomfortable position of the inhabitants of Australia – with their heads downwards – on the other side of the globe! Do you think you could arrange to come here after the eclipse & spend Christmas & the New Year & go on to Edinburgh after?
Post is off
Yr most affecte daughter
H. F. Talbot Esqr.
Lacock Abbey