Wednesday Aug 9th 1871
My dear Papa,
You asked in one of your letters lately how Jack liked latin &c.<1> He says he likes all his school lessons better than those he used to do at home & the latin is easy so far It may perhaps get more difficult bye & bye I am afraid he does not care much for arithmetic but perhaps that will come He is looking very well indeed, and has grown broader as well as taller he says he likes school & the other boys better even than he expected that he will like going back to them when the time comes, though he wishes the holiday would last seven months! He was rather afraid of some of the bigger boys at first, but is now great friends with them all only name one whom he really disliked & he seems to have one really great friend, who has been there a year & several other boys are described as being aw-fully jolly! You see his English has deteriorated, as I suppose it always does. He is also in a very amiable & tractable frame of mind, & I think we are quite pleased with him in every way except that he speaks faster & yet more indistinctly than he did before going He has been twice out fishing with the gamekeeper, & caught nothing, but enjoyed it very much John<2> is gone to Dumfries to the Scott Centennary [sic] dinner We hope to have the Christening next week, but I will write again as soon as all is settled We have had lovely hot weather since Sunday & I have had two drives Will you thank Ela for her letter received today which I will soon answer Give my best love to Aunt Caroline, & with love from all here, from your most affecte daughter
1. John Henry Gilchrist-Clark, Jack (18611902). WHFT must have been pleased that his grandson took to study of the classics as readily as he had.
2. Her husband, John Henry Gilchrist-Clark (1830-1881), 'Jack', Scottish JP; WHFT's son-in-law.