April 26th 1872
My dear Papa
The Hotel we used to go to in Edinburgh was the Caledonian in Castle St but the Proprietor is now dead, & it is under other management, so I do not know how it is getting on – When John returns I will ask him what he considers the best Hotel – if you really think of going to Edinburgh just now – but I should think it would be rather an unfavourable time for seeing anyone, as everybody who possible [sic] can get away from Edinburgh will be away just now – it is a sort of holiday time up till the 15th May. I also have been hoping to get John away early in May to get a little change from his work – & had proposed going to London for a week – & to pay a visit or two, if any offered. & the plan included going to see Lacock in its early summer beauty – but John has not yet promised to go. I will get him to declare tomorrow when he returns what we can really do, & then I will write directly & tell you – Of course if we are not off – & you really come to Edinburgh, we should be extremely indignant if you did not come & stop with us as long as you could. but if we go south – could you not put off your Edinburgh visit & return North with us when we come? My plan is to come round By by Malvern & see Jack & they then you would see him also & hear how he is getting on –
Willie is charmed with his letter – The original effusion he sent you hardly deserved an answer, but he was so set on writing to Grandpapa last Sunday that I did not interfere but I must make him write a tidy letter some day He forgot all his spelling he was in such a hurry!
H. F. Talbot Esqr.
4 Circus