Decr 31. 1873
My dear Papa,
We all wish you many happy New Years! And all sorts of good things besides All the children send love and kisses – to you and to Ela <1> – Please wish her a happy New Year from me also – The grand party went off well yesterday – it was very bright and pretty – we had a magic lantern besides the lottery. The children were delighted – there were about 30 in all. Today nobody is the worse, but all a little tired – so I am going to make them go to bed early – The only thing we should have wished otherwise was that it happened to be a very stormy evening – and some of them had to go home in an open Carriage – today it has been bright, fair, and pleasant and we have been out in the morning and afternoon. Rosamond <2> and I went to Morton Mill, a large flour mill near here, and examined into all the varieties of poultry food which interested us both. tomorrow New year’s day we are talking of going to Dumfries to a large Poultry show in the Mechanic’s hall <3> – that is to say if it is a nice day like this one –
It is just dinner time, so I must say goodbye – John sends you many messages – and Rosamond sends love –
Your most affecte daughter
H. F. Talbot Esqr.
4. Circus
1. Ela Theresa Talbot (1835–1893), WHFT’s 1st daughter.
2. Rosamond Constance ‘Monie’ Talbot (1837–1906), artist & WHFT’s 2nd daughter.
3. Dumfries Mechanics Institute.