Dabton <1>
April 28th 1875
My dear Papa
I enclose <2> the letter which came yesterday from Mr Woolley Dod – at Eton, about Jack <3> – you will be pleased to see what a good place he has taken – quite beyond what we expected. I have had a very short letter from him just mentioning the fact.
Your most affecte daughter
John <4> got safe home last night. –
H. F. Talbot Esqr.
Lacock Abbey
1. Dabton, Dumfriesshire: home of WHFT’s daughter Matilda.
2. Not located.
3. John Henry Gilchrist-Clark, ‘Jack’ (1861–1902), WHFT’s grandson.
4. John Gilchrist-Clark (1830–1881), Scottish JP; WHFT’s son-in-law.