Dabton <1>
March 6th 1876
My dear Papa
The Hamper of plants has just arrived – it has been a good while on its way has it not? but we have unpacked it this evening, and all the plants appear quite fresh & happy & I have directed the gardener to take them out to the greenhouse – The weather is very stormy just now – with drifting rain, sleet & very high wind – so I think we will wait for a more favourable time before planting them out. I have not been out since Thursday, as I have had neuralgia in my face, but it is better today – the children are quite well, & we have good accounts of the boys. There was a report of Jack <2> the other day saying that he had been working much more steadily this term – that is a good thing – & he has also written that he stands 8th in his division or class. –
There has also been a favourable report of Willie <3> with V.G. to most items –
Yr most affecte daughter
1. Dabton, Dumfriesshire: home of WHFT’s daughter Matilda.
2. John Henry Gilchrist-Clark, ‘Jack’ (1861–1902), WHFT’s grandson.
3. Rev William Gilchrist-Clark (1865–1935).