My dear Papa,
I send you three advertisements extracted from the North British Advertiser, of houses near Largs – which I believe is a pretty place; They were the only ones in the paper which would do at all – but in a day or two we shall see another number of it, with perhaps a better choice – We also think of writing for information to an agent at Glasgow –
If you think either of these would be at all likely, I think you will hear soonest by writing to the agents yourself, or we could make any enquiries you like –
We have a nice day for our drive home, but as we start after luncheon, the postman will be gone before we get there, and I shall leave this note behind to go from here – Do letters take two days again in reaching you? I had hoped not – Give my love to all, and tell them that I hope to give them an account tomorrow of how I find things looking at Speddoch –
The Carriage has arrived to fetch us in a high state of preservation – and we have the same coachman as last year, which is pleasant.
Good bye dear Papa, yr affectionate daughter
Tilly –
Monday May the 7th 1860. –
I always forgot to thank Mamie for the riddles, which I liked very much – The most delightful is the one about Sir Charles Napier!!! . . .
H.F. Talbot Esqre.
Lacock Abbey