[embossed crest]
Speddoch Saturday.
Sept 8th 1860
My dear Papa,
I do not Know whether this will still find you at Oakfield, or whether you will Keep to your intention of going back to Lacock today – At any rate, I will write to Oakfield, and let it take its chance. We had a most beautiful sun this morning, but before twelve o’clock it clouded all over, and rain has set it, which promises to last all day, and has quite put an end to my intended drive. Dr Chalmers, however, insists on my taking advantage of the first fine day, Monday if possible, for the purpose, and says I may stay out an hour if I like, which shews how much stronger he must think me. I also feel the difference daily – this morning my hand is quite steady while I write<.> I wish you could see the nice sofa which came from Edinburgh yesterday – it is a great acquisition for the drawing-room – I am quite curious to see the "Souvenir" which you brought me from Spain, but it is very disappointing that it should have been broken on the journey – Could it not be mended? At Edinburgh they mend things most cleverly sometimes – The post is only just come, but is already anxious to be off again, so I must finish in a hurry – Please thank Mama for her nice long letter, with an enclosure from Monie, to both of which I must answer another day – Give my love to them from
yr most affecte daughter
Matilda. –
H. F. Talbot Esqre.