6 St Colme Street
My dear Papa,
Your question rather embarrasses me. We had settled, as you know, for Baby <1> to be named – John Henry as we thought it sounded better, than Henry John – At the same time, I wished him to be called Henry; and I didn’t think it would matter much which was really his first name – as so many people are called by the second name, though it is not the general rule –
He has already been registered by the name of John Henry, as you know that must be done at three weeks old – but I do not know if that makes a difference; –
As Johnnie <2> is not here, & will not return till tonight, I cannot speak to him about it, but I will shew him your note when he comes home. I hope it will be a fine day for all of you tomorrow – I am so glad that we have managed to have the Christening in the house.
Yr affecte daughter
1. John Henry Gilchrist-Clark, ‘Jack’ (1861–1902), WHFT’s grandson.
2. John Gilchrist-Clark (1830–1881), Scottish JP; WHFT’s son-in-law.