April 1st 1862.
My dear Papa,
We found this little moss in our walk up the Hill road yesterday and we want to know what it is I think it is a Bryum but the Moss book you gave me once, is so obscure, that I cant make it out The day before yesterday I gathered a lot of nettles, and we had them for dinner, dressed like spinach they were so good and such a pretty bright green that we mean in future to adopt them for a spring vegetable. Are dead nettles poisonous? in case one might gather one by mistake? I do not think it likely as they are so different in appearance. I hear that Goodwin has taken your engravings to London, do you therefore not mean to go yourself? Everybody without exception, I think that I know, are going some time in the Summer I hope Mama, has got rid of her cold, I t was sorry to hear that it had kept her in bed one day and prevented them from undertaking drives to Edinburgh. The weather has been most unpropitious, so at any rate it would have been unpleasant to go in at night Here it has set in for rain today it is pouring so that has put an end to our intentions of driving down to Carruchan which I wanted to do while the Maxwells were here, and they go tomorrow We still have some furniture there, which we think may be useful in Edinburgh. I dont think I can collect any news, either local or general today so I had best stop writing, and try and find something more interesting another day Love to all and please thank Mamie for her letter received on Saturday
Yr affecte daughter
H.F. Talbot Esq.
Millburn Tower
[printed flap:]
Speddoch Dumfries N.B.