[letter on mourning paper, with black-trimmed envelope to match]
Oct. 14th
My dear Papa,
We want to know the name of this small plant, which Johnnie<1> found in one of his walks very high up on a moor – It appears to be something like a Wortleberry – The weather has been much milder lately, but more damp & rainy. The trees are all manner of bright colours – but they are losing their leaves fast – However some of the flowers have recovered from the effects of the frost, & are still pretty – The Duke arrived at the Castle<2> this morning by himself, the rest of the family having gone to Dalkeith straight, as they are afraid of the damp here – and the house has been a good deal altered & repaired this summer, so that there are damp ceilings & new plaister to avoid. –
Mary<3> stayed with us until today, when she returned to Dumfries – She appears more chearful [sic] & comfortable than she did – I think she is a good deal taken up with the repairs & alterations at Carruchan, where they found, (of course) that there was much more to be done that [sic] was at first supposed – All the roof had to come off, & the entire woodwork of the house to be renewed, also several of the offices were in a ruinous condition – so the diningroom is being converted into the kitchen, & a new diningroom built – She hopes to be able to occupy it some time in the course of next summer –
Please tell Monie<4> that the ducks arrived quite safe, in a most lively condition, and that I admire them extremely especially the Drake, who has such a beautiful head, and is such a very big bird – I want her to tell me what sort they are They must be a remarkable kind, but I forget where she got the eggs from.
I have not time to write to her today, as I had promised – but will try tomorrow. Love to all
Yr affecte daughter
H. F. Talbot Esqre.
Millburn Tower
1. n Gilchrist-Clark (1830- 18 Aug 1881), Scottish JP; WHFT's son-in-law.
2. Walter Francis Montagu Douglas Scott, 5th Duke of Buccleuch, 7th Duke of Queensberry (1806–1884); Drumlanrig Castle, Dumfries.
3. Mary Maxwell, née Clark; widow of William Maxwell (1797- 2 May 1863) of Carruchan, Dumfries, the last Chief of Maxwell.
4. Rosamond Constance Talbot (16 Mar 1837 - 7 May 1906), 'Rose'; 'Monie'; artist & WHFT's 2nd daughter; died & buried at San Remo, Italy, with a memorial at Lacock.